Title: The Next Great Story

In the mood for good tale? Check out my podcast “10 Minutes in the Dark” (read by me the author) or download one of my original short works below.
You can also visit my blog, Uncommon Urban Fantasy, for book reviews, author recommendations, and random musings.

Book - A God in Middle Management Urban Fantasy
Buy this Book Now on Amazon

“A brilliant marriage of ascerbic wit reminiscent of Carl Hiaasen and mythology…


Could not put the kindle down. Further, it perfectly encapsulates what generously would be called the intrigue of corporate America…who’s your ally… who’s your foe…we’ve won…we’ve lost. Definitely recommend this and await the next installment!”


– Amazon Reader Reviews

Title: Book Reviews, Recommendations and Musings

In the mood for good tale? Check out my podcast “10 Minutes in the Dark” (read by me the author) or download one of my original short works below.
You can also visit my blog, Uncommon Urban Fantasy, for book reviews, author recommendations, and random musings.